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DBT 12-Week Family Workshops

Do you have a son or daughter or other loved one who is emotionally volatile and blaming you for all their problems? Perhaps they are impulsively cutting or eating or excessively spending money or worse, consuming drugs to manage their feelings.

Are you confused, frustrated or "walking on eggshells" around your loved one? This workshop is for you. It is based on Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) which is considered the "gold standard" for treating emotional instability and I would also describe it as training par excellence in Social and Emotional Intelligence. This workshop will transform your relationship with your loved one and it may also dramatically improve your ability to respond effectively in all kinds of difficult or emotionally charged interactions.

But first, let me tell you about me and this workshop in my own words:

If you would like to know a little more about what is taught, here is a 7-minute presentation with more information on the content and skills that are taught over 12 weeks.

The workshop gives you access to asking me questions at any time and to get feedback every week on the exercises and practices. (If you would like to really explore a problem in more depth, there is always the possibility to make an individual appointment.)


About me: After completing intensive training in DBT from trainers as Behavioral Tech, I also did advanced training and skills training for professionals directly with DBT founder, Dr. Marsha Linehan. I have over 15 years experience practicing DBT and have trained "Mindfulness in DBT" to professionals in 8 Latin American countries. I have written and contributed to books in Spanish and English, including Genuine Validation: Compassionate communication that transforms relationships at home and work."


For more information and to register for the next workshop, click below.

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DBT Coach, Corrine Stoewsand, families, individuals, difficult relationships, emotional balance


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​© 2023 Corrine Stoewsand

Corrine Stoewsand and dbtcoach offer educational workshops for groups and individuals designed to teach life skills. This is not a replacement for mental health treatment.



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