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DBT Coach, Corrine Stoewsand, families, individuals, difficult relationships, emotional balance

Are you often suffering from harsh disrespect from others even when you try to be kind and empathetic?

DBT Coach, Corrine Stoewsand, families, individuals, difficult relationships, emotional balance

Emotional sensitivity has it’s painful side.

You are sensitive and empathic, but you find yourself living with stress, tension, and anxiety way too often. And you try to please others, but so many people are unkind or disrespectful.


The worst pain of all is being judged, criticized or, worse, rejected by loved ones, family, or friends.


Some days it feels like you are jumping from frustration and disappointment to guilt and shame, until the end of the day when it just feels lonely and confusing.


Maybe you may look around and see that your life is full of stuff… even nice stuff… or expensive stuff. None of that really matters. You are still suffering from a sense of emptiness.


Surely if you had someone who was kind and considerate and loving, your pain would be gone and life would be so much better.


Why is a sense of genuine happiness and wellbeing in the hands of others? Why is freedom from fear almost always just out of reach?

Cultivating emotional balance and interpersonal effectiveness can be accomplished.

Maybe it is time to look beyond the expectation that other people around you need to change, or that you just need to be in the right relationship to make your life better.


There is a way to surf the emotional ups and downs without so much pain and suffering. There is a path to connect with your deepest values and let that guide your actions instead of reacting impulsively.


You can generate greater kindness toward yourself, increased emotional stability, and more effective communication with others. These are skills that anyone can embody and practice until they become new habits.

DBT Coach, Corrine Stoewsand, families, individuals, difficult relationships, emotional balance
DBT Coach, Corrine Stoewsand, families, individuals, difficult relationships, emotional balance

Welcome to freedom from emotional pain and suffering!

You can tune into yourself by gently directing your attention and kindness to yourself and your inner experience with mindfulness and acceptance. This practice begins to quiet the self-criticizing mind and support a greater sense of safety.


With freedom from fear, there is greater clarity and more mental space. Inner wisdom becomes one’s own best guide.


I offer individual coaching and training based on mindfulness and meditation, self-compassion, and the social/emotional skills from Dialectical Behavior Therapy developed by Marsha Linehan and in Cultivating Emotional Balance developed by Alan Wallace and Paul Ekman.


I have helped hundreds of people—and I can help you—to develop greater mental and physical wellbeing and healthy interpersonal connections.



(Please note, this is skills training only. I do not offer clinical mental health treatment nor dialectical behavior therapy. Individuals who want or need clinical mental health treatment or comprehensive DBT should be under the care of a trained and licensed professional. I will refer individuals to such licensed professionals).



Learn skills to manage your emotions better, improve interpersonal communication, build more self-love and self-trust, and be more effective at reaching your goals! 


Individual training

Real Testimonials from real people

DBT Coach, Corrine Stoewsand, families, individuals, difficult relationships, emotional balance

Lourdes G.

Physical trainer,


I am managing to incorporate mindfulness into my life and during the short time that I have been on this path, it has changed my head! Upon learning fundamental bases of life such as gratitude, not judging, and self-compassion, there was a before and after. I don't know how I lived so long without realizing all how beneficial these are for the mind and body.


Thank you Corrine!

DBT Coach, Corrine Stoewsand, families, individuals, difficult relationships, emotional balance


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​© 2023 Corrine Stoewsand

Corrine Stoewsand and dbtcoach offer educational workshops for groups and individuals designed to teach life skills. This is not a replacement for mental health treatment.



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